The Study of Politics and How it Affects Business

Politics, derived from the Greek word politika or “affairs of the city,” is how people in groups—be they families, tribes, cities, or countries—make planned decisions about living together. The study of politics is called political science, public affairs, government, or political studies.

Ultimately, politics is about power: how people get what they want and how they manage competing interests. It is the way that societies allocate resources and rights and make rules for conduct. People use politics to pursue their own interests, such as protecting the environment or gaining economic benefits. Politics also allows them to express their societal concerns and priorities. For example, some citizens may feel marginalized and disadvantaged in their society, prompting them to protest for greater and more radical change.

It is important to understand politics because the decisions that governments make impact all areas of our lives, including business. For example, to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens, some governments will impose regulations that impact the way businesses operate. For example, a country might require companies to pay employees at least a minimum wage. Politics also determines how much freedom companies have to operate internationally.

The study of politics is an academic discipline encompassing several fields, including political science, international relations, and public administration. Political science students are trained to analyze the processes and structure of governments, as well as the behavior of individuals within and between governments.

While the classic view of politics is that it is about a struggle for power, this is not always the case. For instance, if one group’s beliefs and preferences are more influential than another, it will be easier for that group to get its way in politics. However, a policy solution that satisfies one interest will likely be unacceptable to many others, even if it advances the overall welfare.

In addition, some of the most significant changes in politics have been from the emergence of new political actors or “players.” For example, social media has enabled people to engage with the political process in new ways by raising awareness and mobilizing support for a particular cause.

When asked to describe their feelings about politicians and the political system, most people use negative or critical terms. For example, 79% say politics is divisive and corrupt. In contrast, just under a third mention the strengths of the system, such as its systems of checks and balances or its commitment to liberty and democracy.

Politics, derived from the Greek word politika or “affairs of the city,” is how people in groups—be they families, tribes, cities, or countries—make planned decisions about living together. The study of politics is called political science, public affairs, government, or political studies. Ultimately, politics is about power: how people get what they want and how they manage competing interests. It is the way that societies allocate resources and rights and make rules for conduct. People use politics to pursue their own interests, such as protecting the environment or gaining economic benefits. Politics also allows them to express their societal concerns and priorities. For example, some citizens may feel marginalized and disadvantaged in their society, prompting them to protest for greater and more radical change. It is important to understand politics because the decisions that governments make impact all areas of our lives, including business. For example, to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens, some governments will impose regulations that impact the way businesses operate. For example, a country might require companies to pay employees at least a minimum wage. Politics also determines how much freedom companies have to operate internationally. The study of politics is an academic discipline encompassing several fields, including political science, international relations, and public administration. Political science students are trained to analyze the processes and structure of governments, as well as the behavior of individuals within and between governments. While the classic view of politics is that it is about a struggle for power, this is not always the case. For instance, if one group’s beliefs and preferences are more influential than another, it will be easier for that group to get its way in politics. However, a policy solution that satisfies one interest will likely be unacceptable to many others, even if it advances the overall welfare. In addition, some of the most significant changes in politics have been from the emergence of new political actors or “players.” For example, social media has enabled people to engage with the political process in new ways by raising awareness and mobilizing support for a particular cause. When asked to describe their feelings about politicians and the political system, most people use negative or critical terms. For example, 79% say politics is divisive and corrupt. In contrast, just under a third mention the strengths of the system, such as its systems of checks and balances or its commitment to liberty and democracy.