Author: Newculturalfrontiers

What Is Democratisation?

Democratisation refers to processes by which societies move from authoritarianism to minimal democracy or even substantive democracy. Such processes have never been linear or free from hazards, and the emergence of a genuinely democratic system can require several decades. It is generally agreed that a basic precondition for democratisation is the existence of civil society organisations able to promote democratic values, ideas and behaviours and to challenge state power. A further precondition is the existence of political and cultural changes that make it possible for a majority of citizens to grasp and accept democratic values and practices as non-threatening, compatible with their traditional referents of identity and beliefs about what constitutes the ‘common good’. Without such favourable civil-society and cultural conditions, any effort to promote democratisation within a society may produce only a form of manipulable procedural democracy. These are not easy conditions to create, and attempts to force them to happen by external pressure or by domestically promoted revolution have rarely succeeded. Most regimes that have been forced to promote democratisation have done so on a selective, exclusive and largely procedural basis, and have frequently reverted to different forms of authoritarian rule once the pressure was removed. It has also been widely believed that economic development, with its concomitant high levels of literacy and education, is another necessary condition for democratisation. In particular, a number of studies have found that primary and secondary education are powerful determinants of democratisation. But recent studies have questioned these findings. For example, Keller (2006) finds that the effects of education on voting and other democratisation measures are diminished when income is controlled for, so the impact on democratisation is much smaller than previously reported. And while higher education is associated with greater democratisation, this effect is diminished when the level of education is adjusted for socioeconomic status (see table below). Other studies have suggested that a variety of other factors are important. Some have focused on the role of war, in particular the link between war and democratisation. Others have looked at the importance of investment in education and training, with OECD studies showing that those who invest in secondary and higher education have a larger democracy index than those who do not. But in general, the evidence on these variables is weak and contested. What is clear, however, is that analysts of democratisation need to shift their gaze from analysing necessary and sufficient conditions to examining the many causal sequences involved in transformations from autocracy to democracy. Those who study social change should focus more on identifying and tracking the many democracy-promoting mechanisms that activate incrementally, in three arenas – public politics, inequality and networks of trust – to produce a democratising effect. And they should endeavour to invent devices that will activate these mechanisms less brutally than conquest, confrontation, colonisation and revolution have done in the past. This will be challenging but it is necessary. A full understanding of these causal sequences will ultimately help to inform the development of a better theory of what a democratising process actually is.

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What is Culture?

Culture is a priceless part of human life, something that cannot be assigned monetary value or explained with cold logic. It consists of shared language, ideas, beliefs, pastimes, customs and traditions that make it possible for people to identify with others who have similar traits and values. In this sense, it differs from race, ethnicity and religion, though it may overlap with them in some instances. It is also sometimes used to distinguish members of self-organizing groups from other human beings. The term is a slippery concept, and definitions vary widely. Some anthropologists and sociologists use it to refer to the particular behaviours of a particular group, such as Hasidic Jewish culture or Italian culture, while others, like the historian Rein Raud, apply it more broadly to all socially constructed aspects of life that are distinctive to humans, including the tools they use (such as stone axes), the way they organize themselves into a community, the ways they work together, and the values they hold. He also includes cultural memory as an essential component of culture. A resurgence of interest in cultural history has developed, which seeks to examine the meaning and significance of past culture in its broadest possible sense. It seeks to re-link the study of culture with a tradition of historical study, and explores a wide range of topics, from parades in 19th-century America to 16th-century Spanish texts, from English medical writing to the visual practices implied by Italian Renaissance frescoes. It draws on a variety of theoretical touchstones, including Jurgen Habermas’s formulation of the public sphere and Clifford Geertz’s notion of a “thick description” of cultures. An important theme in the debate over culture is whether it can be defined and described, and if so, how. Some anthropologists and sociologists take a fundamentalist view, which treats certain key characteristics as the definition of a culture, and assumes that all its members share those traits. This is rejected by many historians. Cultures are means to an end – security and continuity of existence – and some cultures do a better job of this than others. For example, some cultures provide a more secure food supply than others through agriculture, and other cultural features, such as the veneration of the dead or the practice of a specific sport, help to prevent the spread of disease. Some cultures are also more effective at coping with disasters. This is reflected in the mortality rates of different societies.

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Democracies Around the World

The word “democracy” combines the Greek words demos (“people”) and kratia (“rule”). It is government by the people, or in other words, a system of rule based on popular sovereignty. It is a concept that is central to the international political order and a goal of many international organisations, including the UN, the World Bank, the IMF and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). However, in recent years there have been growing concerns about the state of democracy around the world, with organisations such as Freedom House, The Economist Intelligence Unit and V-Dem documenting declines in democratic quality across different parts of the globe. The reason for these concerns is complex. Amongst other things, dissatisfaction with the economy, distrust of politicians and concern about immigration have all contributed to rising tensions in some countries. At the same time, many of the institutions that make democracy work, such as free media and independent judiciaries, have been under increasing pressure from powerful interests. Despite these challenges, it is worth remembering that, on average, people are fairly satisfied with democracy. In most nations, more than six-in-ten people say that they are at least somewhat satisfied with the way their democracy works. But satisfaction varies widely between nations. Some, such as Sweden and Hungary, have high levels of satisfaction; others, such as Italy and Greece, do not. It is also important to recall that, when people are asked whether they want their country to be a democracy, most answer yes. This is not surprising, as democracy offers a number of benefits. In particular, it allows citizens to have a say in the decisions that affect them. It means that they can challenge government policy and hold their representatives to account. It also allows citizens to form and join groups to take up issues that they are concerned about, or to protest against policies or decisions that they disagree with. This is vital if diverse views are to be taken into account in making decisions and it is an essential part of what makes democracy worthwhile. Many theorists argue that we can justify democracy along two dimensions: instrumentally, by reference to the outcomes of having it compared with alternatives; and intrinsically, because there is a moral right to democracy that goes beyond the fact that it is a practical means of political decision making. Various arguments have been used to support this latter position, from utilitarian considerations to considerations of a more ethical nature. Nevertheless, it is clear that the status of democracy is currently under threat and that more needs to be done to protect it. This is true not only for the sake of the well-being of individuals, but also for that of the global economy and the sustainable future of the planet. As such, it is in the self-interest of all to do what we can to strengthen democracy. This article is based on the original version published by The Loop in June 2017.

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The Global Market and Why You Need to Globalize Your Market Research

The Global Market refers to an international business environment in which the world’s economies are connected, and companies trade goods and services across international borders. The global marketplace is the economic engine that drives businesses and nations. Global markets connect the world economy and provide a variety of benefits to companies, including lower business costs, access to new technologies and markets, and more. Global marketing is the process of growing a company’s sales and revenue through promoting products or services to consumers located outside its home country or territory. This requires a deep understanding of the unique cultural differences, customer needs, and potential competitive advantage for each international market. Global marketing is an essential part of any growth strategy for a company that wants to expand its market share and profits worldwide. A company’s success in its domestic market often inspires it to consider expanding into foreign countries and territories. Global marketing can help a company reach a wider audience, increase sales and revenue, and grow its brand influence worldwide. It can also help a company thrive during periods of economic uncertainty by diversifying its risk and providing greater stability for the enterprise. While global market research can be challenging, it’s a critical component to your business’s growth strategy. Global market research can be much different than the traditional market research process, so it’s important to understand these nuances before launching into an unfamiliar market. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons why you need to globalize your market research, what challenges may arise, and how to overcome them. The world’s two great vectors are technology and globalization. The first helps determine human preferences, the second shapes them into a global market for products and services that are both high-quality and standardized. While these vectors will still shift and diverge, they are advancing rapidly toward convergence. Companies that do not adapt to these changes will become victims of those that do. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, globalization can allow a company to take advantage of lower living and labor costs abroad, which reduces long-term operating expenses. It can also help companies harness innovative solutions from the global marketplace, and take advantage of tax incentives and other benefits that aren’t available locally. It’s important to note that the globalization of a company’s marketing efforts should be an ongoing effort, as consumer tastes and preferences change over time. A company should be constantly looking to localize its marketing efforts and ensure it’s communicating effectively with its customers in each new market. This will continue to be important as the world becomes increasingly interconnected and diverse. Taking the time to properly implement this strategy will ensure that your company is prepared for all future market conditions. This is particularly important for companies that produce or sell products with universal demand, like food and energy. By staying localized in its approach to marketing, these companies can ensure that they are able to remain relevant and profitable for years to come.

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What Is Politics?

Politics is the process by which people decide how their country or state should be governed. This involves a conflict of interests, where different groups want or need things but are limited in resources or access to privileges and rights. Politics can involve a peaceful negotiation of these competing interests or can erupt into violence. It’s also important to note that politics is not just about government; the term can be applied to any type of group decision making – such as workgroups, churches or even family circles. The field of study that studies political decisions and their impact is called political science. It’s a classic discipline that dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, with philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle writing about the concepts of justice, fairness and power. Today, politicians are often accused of being corrupt and crooked but that doesn’t mean they are inherently bad. Many have a lot to offer their constituents, from their unique knowledge and experiences to their ability to connect with them on a personal level. This is why a good politician can be so beneficial to their community. The key is to know how to play the game, which requires a keen understanding of its rules. It’s through politics that countries continue to operate, key policies are implemented and global challenges are addressed. Whether it’s through a democratic, federal, communist or dictatorship approach, every country has its own distinct political system, which is shaped by its culture, history and geography. Typically, elected officials are chosen by winning a plurality of votes cast at the local, district and state levels. In the United States, voters select candidates to represent them in the Senate and House of Representatives using a popular vote and the President is chosen through an electoral college system. Political parties are a fundamental aspect of any political system and they bring together individuals with similar beliefs in order to have a chance at winning an election. Historically, the two main political parties in the United States have been the Democratic Party and the Republican Party; each has its own ideology and policies that it supports and opposes. A politician’s job is to fight for the opportunity to lead their constituents by gaining a seat in government and then enacting the policies they’ve promised. In many cases, a politician will need to appeal to the public’s interest through a media campaign in order to gain support and get their message out there. If political institutions are unable to effectively utilize politics to bring about a peaceful resolution between divergent interests, those institutions will get close to breaking down. When this happens, it can lead to violent protests and riots in the form of war. This is why it’s important for everyone to become politically involved and to take a stand on the issues they care about.

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The Challenges of Democracy

Democracy has become a global paradigm for governance, but it’s not without its challenges. A successful democratic system requires compromise and mutual respect between citizens and the state. Its legitimacy and effectiveness are judged by its ability to deliver on the promises of freedom, equality, justice and prosperity for all. To make a democracy work, a country needs to offer its citizens basic human rights like free speech, equal opportunity and binding consultation. It also must provide public services, promote economic development and protect its people from arbitrary government action. However, not all countries are able to achieve this, and even those that can, have difficulty in maintaining a healthy democracy. This is because democratisation, or the transformation from autocracy to minimal or procedural democracy, has never been linear and smooth, and – despite the best efforts of many – has always been subject to hazards and risks. Whether a society will move from authoritarianism to a form of parliamentary democracy is usually determined by a combination of social, cultural and historical factors. It depends on the level of political and social maturity at which citizens can grasp, accept and adopt democratic ideas, values and practices as not threatening to but complementary of their traditional referents of cultural identity and beliefs in what might constitute the ‘common good’. In addition, a society needs to have sufficient resources in terms of both financial and human capital for its leaders to have the courage to implement the democratic transformation. The development of democracy and the ability of societies to achieve sustainable pro-democratic changes often go hand in hand with economic growth. This may be because a higher standard of living means that more citizens can afford to participate in politics and demand better quality public services. It can also be because economic development increases the scope for redistribution and thus for policies that benefit poorer segments of society. This does not mean, however, that there is a one-to-one relationship between democracy and economic growth. A more significant factor is the extent to which a society can mobilise its population to support the democratisation process. This often depends on the level of education, and on the capacity for mass movements to organise themselves. It can also depend on the extent to which a society has developed traditions of civil control over its military and political leadership. Moreover, a country’s experience with democracy in the past can have lasting effects. These and other variables help to explain why the relationship between democratisation and economic development is complicated and multifaceted.

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What Is Culture?

A culture is all the ways of life and beliefs of a population that are passed on from generation to generation. These include language, ideas, customs and habits, religion, rituals, art and systems of belief. Culture also includes the patterns of behaviour that distinguish a group from another. Many distinct views of culture have been advanced, and there is substantial disagreement about whether one view is more valid than another. However, there is considerable agreement that culture matters to people and that it has value for them in their lives. This is why there is a desire, both in legal and political spheres, to understand what culture actually is. The aim of the articles in this collection is to present a range of views on what culture actually is, and how it can be used in law and politics. The articles are not intended to provide a comprehensive treatment of the subject, but rather to highlight important and interesting aspects of the debate. Views on what constitutes a culture tend to fall into one of two categories: essentialist and non-essentialist. An essentialist account of culture treats the boundaries of a culture as if they were determinate and unshifting, and assumes that its members will share a common commitment to its defining practices and norms. Critics of this approach argue that it is mistaken to treat the boundaries of a culture as if it were an independent, determinate entity, and that there will always be disagreement about which practices are defining in any given cultural context. Non-essentialist accounts of what constitutes a culture, on the other hand, tend to focus on how cultural traits and activities can be transmitted between individuals and communities. This view is typically based on social science theories of learning and transmission, such as those developed by Hofstede, Kluckhohn, Kroeber and others. In this approach, the key concept is the idea that culture is essentially about how human beings learn and develop. The goal of this development is to move from instinctive, pre-programmed behaviour, to a level of sophistication in which the human species can take control over its own actions. One of the implications of this view is that the spread and transmission of culture is a crucial factor in humanity’s evolution from a primitive form of existence to an increasingly sophisticated society, characterized by enlightened self-interest and self-governing institutions. Evidence for this has been provided by the wide-ranging diffusion of cultural objects and traits, such as amber from Baltic regions, early coins from the Mediterranean area, and macaw feathers found in archaeological sites in North America. Moreover, it can be seen in the fact that cultural knowledge, like other forms of intellectual property, is both a commodity and a source of power.

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The Arguments For and Against Democracy

Democracy is the system of government that is “of the people, by the people, for the people.” The term is derived from the Greek words demos (people) and kratos (rule). Democracies are various political systems in which citizens directly participate in making laws and policies or choose representatives to make decisions on their behalf. It is an idea that has inspired a range of historical and modern movements for liberty and equality, from Pericles in Ancient Athens to Vaclav Havel in modern Czechoslovakia to Thomas Jefferson in the United States and Andrei Sakharov in Soviet Russia. During the last few decades, however, many people have raised serious doubts about the viability and moral value of democracy, as protests against the perceived corruption or incompetence of democratic governments have rocked several regions around the world. Several international organizations, including Freedom House, the Economist Intelligence Unit and V-Dem, have reported that democracy is in decline in many countries. The arguments for and against democracy come in two basic forms: instrumentally, by reference to the outcomes of using it compared with other methods of decision making; and intrinsically, by reference to values that are inherent in it. Instrumentally, the argument that democracy is better than other political regimes is based on the claim that it leads to laws and policies that are relatively good and on the assertion that democracy promotes social and economic well being. The argument is normally strengthened by the fact that well-functioning democratic institutions tend to be accompanied by strong protection of core liberal rights, such as the right to a fair trial and the right to bodily integrity (Gaus 1996: ch. 2). Another common argument for democracy is that it enables decisions to be made that are more informed than those of other forms of government. This argument is often referred to as the “wisdom of the crowd” and it has been defended by a number of individuals, from Aristotle to John Dewey. It is usually grounded in a theory of cognitive diversity that contends that the aggregation of many different perspectives and sources of information will result in the discovery of more effective solutions to collective problems than would be possible with the decision making of any one person or group of people. A third instrumental justification for democracy involves the claim that it is the best method for promoting economic growth. This argument is typically grounded in the claim that undemocratic political systems inhibit economic growth by restricting markets, fostering monopolies and discouraging creativity and innovation. The argument is strengthened by the fact that there is a close correlation between economic prosperity and the degree to which a country is democratized, as shown in numerous studies and analyses. (Acemoglu et al. 2011). There are also a variety of non-instrumental reasons to support democracy, including its association with other important moral values. These include the need for a broad base of public opinion to be represented in politics, the importance of preserving individual autonomy and the requirement that decisions be based on evidence rather than merely on emotion or prejudice.

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The Benefits of Global Market

Global Market refers to a worldwide system of buying and selling goods and services. A large number of businesses expand their operations into foreign markets in order to increase revenue and become more competitive in the marketplace. Companies who employ this strategy often learn from the experience of navigating unfamiliar economies and cultures. These lessons can help them establish consistent and workable business practices for operations, manufacturing, and distribution of their products or services. Global marketers can offer a variety of benefits to their customers and business partners. These advantages include generating new revenue streams, expanding customer base, and learning from competition in international markets. Companies can also benefit from access to new talent and resources, including raw materials and technology. Despite the increasing homogenization of world product markets, enormous local preferences continue to assert themselves in many countries and regions. For example, cigarette manufacturers make year-to-year global inroads into territories that were once the sole preserve of locally made blends. But even the most unique and specialized preferences cannot stand in the face of the irresistible force of economics. People will take highly standardized world products when the prices are low enough. Entering the global marketplace also enables businesses to gain cost advantages by taking advantage of economies of scale. The higher volume of production allows for lower unit costs and improved profit margins. Moreover, the company may be able to negotiate better deals on raw materials or technology. In addition, the company can leverage the differences in labor costs between nations to reduce its overall operating expenses. The benefits of global marketing can be very substantial. In addition to increasing sales, the strategy can also improve brand recognition and increase a company’s following. Furthermore, it can also help a company develop a more diverse workforce and attract top candidates for open positions. However, it is important for a company to focus on the needs and culture of its target audience when executing a global marketing campaign. Global marketing requires a thorough research and understanding of the various international markets. This will help the company identify potential problems and avoid them in their operations. The company should also consider the cost of entering the foreign market and determine if it is worthwhile. In the end, it is crucial for a business to develop an effective strategy that will be beneficial to its customer base and its own profitability. A global marketing strategy can be used by both small and large businesses. Large corporations such as fast-food, clothing, automotive, banking, and insurance firms frequently implement a geomarketing strategy to reach out to their customers worldwide. Similarly, smaller software companies can see huge international traction when they use a geomarketing strategy. They may offer their products or services in multiple languages or support online communities using a variety of international platforms. They can also use social media to communicate with their customers in a more personal way.

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The Importance of Politics

Politics is the way that people – individual citizens, groups and nations – decide on their common needs and interests despite different preferences and beliefs. It’s a process of negotiating conflicting interests while allocating scarce resources – the fundamental challenge of being human. Politics is an essential part of the human condition, and it’ll continue to exist as long as humans face scarcity and have different beliefs and preferences. Politics can be as simple as a group of friends arguing over which kind of food to eat, or as complex as a nation choosing its leader. Regardless of the scale, political decisions can have huge impacts on people’s lives, from how much they pay for their groceries to whether or not they are allowed to work in heavily regulated industries. In democratic countries, politicians are elected by voters. They usually form a political party to put forward their ideas, and they compete against other parties in elections. Depending on the country, there may be a few political parties competing for power or a single dominant party. In most countries, there are also state governments and local government departments such as police forces or water boards. While democracy is the most commonly used form of politics, some countries are run by dictators – people who take control through force. They might cancel or restrict elections and impose policies to ensure they stay in power. Dictatorships tend to be smaller than democracies and have less scope for international pressure or military intervention. The idea that politics is primarily about distribution has been challenged in recent years by scholars who have taken a ‘ideational turn’ in their study of politics. They argue that it is as much a battle of narratives over how problems are presented to the public as it is about the distribution of material resources. This chimes with debates on ‘fake news’ and the prevalence of narratives that rely on deep-rooted beliefs, values and identities rather than objective self-interest. If we broaden the definition of politics to include all acts that are ‘directed towards others’, then almost anything is potentially political. In this sense, literature and art would be included as well, as they can be political in the sense of challenging or supporting an existing social order. However, some scholars worry that this could stretch the meaning of politics too thin and dilute its importance. So, what does it really mean to study politics?

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