Month: September 2024
Definition of Politics
Politics is the way that human groups (such as countries or companies) decide how to organise themselves and make decisions. It is also the study of these ways of making agreements, and the ways that power and influence are used within a group. Politics is usually studied at universities in departments such as government, public administration or political science. Many world leaders have studied politics, including former US Presidents Barack Obama and Gerald Ford, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. People involved in politics are often called politicians, and they sometimes form political parties to put forward their ideas. Politics is a key topic of study for students of international relations, as well as those studying business, economics and human resources. One of the classic definitions of politics is as the authoritative and legitimate struggle to assert rival interests. This idea implies that politics is a game in which people try to manoeuvre each other into doing what they want them to do – and this often involves the use of force and coercion. This idea of politics is sometimes called the’realist’ view, and it has some strengths. It captures the idea that politics is about competing for limited or scarce resources, and it is about access to precious rights and privileges. It also suggests that a good politician knows how to balance the conflicting needs of different groups, and can come up with an agreement that satisfies everyone. However, it also has some limitations. For example, it assumes that a ‘fair’ solution can be found that reflects the competing interests fairly – and this is rarely the case. Other definitions of politics are more expansive. They see politics as the activity of settling contestation over distribution, and they include issues that are not directly related to the state, such as issues relating to economic and social justice. They also include non-electoral politics, such as lobbying and the activities of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), pressure groups, think tanks and mobilised activists or protesters. The ‘ideational turn’ in studies of politics has challenged this traditional view of politics, by showing that the contestation over how problems are framed and narrated is as important as issues of distribution. This is important because the competing narratives can have profound implications for how a problem is solved. Finally, this broadened definition of politics enables a broader definition of power. It includes less observable ways of exercising power, such as setting agendas – be they parliamentary agendas that determine who gets to speak and for how long, or news agendas that dictate which stories should get top billing on the evening news. This idea of politics is reflected in contemporary political theory, and it is an important concept to understand in order to appreciate the complexity and variety of the ways that governments and societies make decisions. The more we know about politics, the better we can navigate it and help it to work for our benefit.
Read MoreWhat Are the Conditions for Democracy?
Democracy is a form of government that gives the people power to determine who governs them. It involves the election of representatives to represent citizens and the right to vote on issues in the country. This process also includes the right to protest or dissent. Democracy has been embraced by more countries than ever before. The number of democratic states has increased fivefold since the end of World War II. However, despite its popularity, there is much debate over what is needed to sustain and promote democracy. Many of the conditions that are seen as conducive to democratisation can be divided into two categories: economic and cultural. The economic conditions include a stable economy, education, and the existence of a middle class. These are often viewed as preconditions for democratization because they give the population an interest in governing themselves and provide the ability to exert pressure on governments for political reforms. The cultural conditions include values and attitudes that support a democratic system, such as tolerance of diverse viewpoints and a commitment to individual freedom. The development of these conditions can be assisted by international pressure and assistance from outside the country. Economic Development The most widely accepted explanation for democratization is that it depends on economic development. The idea is that economic growth produces a middle class that has an interest in governance and the capacity to demand political change. This can put pressure on even the most repressive governments to allow more political participation and to address the underlying problems of poverty and inequality. This is a key reason why most economists support the notion that economic development is a necessary condition for democracy. Some scholars, particularly those that focus on elites, argue that economic development does not necessarily lead to democratization. The argument is that the transition to democracy can be impeded by the actions of particular elites who have a stake in maintaining authoritarian systems as long as they can. These elites may be able to undermine democratic processes by undermining the economy or by using violence against opposition. A growing body of research has shown that a country’s culture can influence its democratic transition. This is based on the belief that some cultures are more inclined to support democratic principles than others. The most successful democracies are those in which there is a high level of tolerance for diversity, a commitment to personal freedom, and interpersonal trust. The most promising ways to foster these values are by educating children and adults, by providing opportunities for civic engagement, and by encouraging political parties to be open about their policies and agendas. It is also important that young people learn about and understand the causes of political problems such as climate change, wars and corporate exploitation. This can be done by volunteering for an organisation in their local community, such as cleaning up after natural disasters or assisting at refugee camps. Alternatively, they can join protest groups to campaign against issues such as child labour or nuclear weapons.
Read MoreWhat is Culture?
Culture is the pervasive force that guides societal norms and values, impacting day-to-day behaviors such as food choices and risk behaviors, and ultimately impacts human health, happiness and well being. It also shapes how individuals perceive the world and themselves, how they interact with others and even how they define the meaning of life. Cultural History is a subfield of Historical Studies that examines the beliefs, attitudes and assumptions of people across time and space — from magical beliefs to gender roles and racial hierarchies. It aims to understand how these concepts are expressed in rituals and artifacts, as well as the interactions between them. It is important to distinguish cultural from material culture, which refers to the physical evidence of a society’s traditions, practices and beliefs in their buildings, artwork and architecture, clothing and other items. These elements are typically referred to as ‘artifacts’, and can be analyzed by archeologists and anthropologists. However, the essence of a culture is intangible and cannot be observed, but rather, interpreted by those who are part of it. It is often described as a complex network of ideas and attitudes that can be inferred from the interactions of a society with each other, such as beliefs, values, morals, language, organizations and institutions. In addition, it may include social and behavioural traits such as kinship patterns, in-group collectivism, power distance, and human orientation. Unlike animal species, which are guided by instinctive responses, humans are able to control and manipulate their environments through learned behaviours. These behaviours are governed by a set of societal norms and values, and they are reinforced by the various institutions that influence our day-to-day lives. These include the media, government, education and religion. The most fundamental tenet of culture is that it defines the broad tendencies of preferences for certain state of affairs over others (good-bad, right-wrong, natural-unnatural). These values are unconscious and intangible, which means that they can only be assessed by observing the way in which the culture’s members act. These practices can then be used to identify the culture — for example, by identifying symbols, heroes and rituals. A kippah or yarmulke is an example of a cultural artifact that unmistakably identifies a Jewish culture. The hat is worn by men during prayer and has a flat disc-like brimless design that sits toward the back of the head. The hat is traditionally worn with a white garment, known as a tallit — another example of a cultural artifact. Core Values can be a useful cultural artifact, but they should only be created after you have gained deep clarity about what your culture is and how it works. In many cases, people start with core values and try to build their culture around them, but it is important to remember that this can be counterproductive. Instead, you should build your culture from the inside out. This will result in a more robust and sustainable culture that drives your business success.
Read MoreWhat Is Democracy?
Democracy is one of the world’s most popular forms of government. A concept that can seem abstract, it’s also an ideal that has been embodied by leaders across the globe and has inspired movements as varied as the Greek democracy of the 5th century bc to the Russian revolution led by Vladimir Ulyinov Lenin in 1917. Despite its popularity, however, democracy remains difficult to achieve and maintain in practice. Founded on the principle that citizens should govern themselves and be treated with equal respect and dignity, democracy requires compromise and understanding to thrive. It demands that society and its institutions deliver services and demonstrate trustworthiness. It calls for participation in politics and the economy as well as a commitment to human rights, including freedom of speech and assembly. It requires the holding of periodic and genuine elections by universal suffrage. It requires the separation of powers into parliament, governance and justice, with a constitution to provide checks and balances on power. While a democratic state may have all these attributes, there is no single definition or criteria for what constitutes a democracy. The term was originally coined in the mid-5th century bc by the Athenians as a combination of the two Greek words demos (people) and kratos (“rule”). Today, democracy means any system of government that is ruled by the people with full and equal political rights and the right to participate in public affairs freely and without discrimination or harassment. But the concept is often misunderstood and misused, and democracy as an idea is a subject of profound controversy, from debates about whether it’s possible to have both capitalism and a welfare state to whether the United States can continue to be a global leader in democratic freedoms in the face of economic change. As the current generation struggles to find its way in a democracy that many see as less democratic than it once was, this documentary offers an interdisciplinary journey through millennia and continents to ask the question: What is democracy? Although several different approaches exist for classifying the extent to which a state is a democracy, most of them face challenges when it comes to measuring how democratic a country is. This is because they are based on the judgement of experts, and their assessments can be subjective. Furthermore, the underlying characteristics of a democracy are complex and difficult to assess, as they include various dimensions like the rule of law, political representation, civil liberties, and electoral transparency. Moreover, these indices differ in terms of their methodologies and the extent to which they consider all the aspects of democracy simultaneously. Nevertheless, a number of indices, such as Polity, Freedom House and V-Dem, are highly respected. They almost always release the data and describe how and why they classify a country as a democracy, as well as how each of its underlying characteristics are coded. They also explain why they weigh and add these codings together.
Read MoreThe Importance of Global Market
Global Market can be defined as “marketing on a worldwide scale reconciling or taking global operational differences, similarities and opportunities to reach global objectives.” As technology has evolved, it has made it easier for businesses to operate across international borders. By utilizing global marketing strategies, businesses can expand their customer base, generate more revenue and establish a strong competitive position in the global marketplace. Having an established presence in multiple markets increases brand recognition, which leads to increased consumer trust and loyalty. It also helps a company take advantage of emerging economies, which are growing quickly and becoming more receptive to foreign products. In addition, a global presence can help companies avoid economic slumps in one country by generating business in other regions. When deciding to expand internationally, companies should consider the cost of entering a new market. They must also look at local competitors, cultural nuances, laws and regulations, and the ability to deliver goods or services efficiently. Additionally, they should take into account the potential impact on their bottom line due to currency fluctuations and other factors that can affect exporting costs. Before launching into a new market, it is important to understand the needs of the target audience. Thorough market research will allow a company to identify the competition, determine the level of demand for a particular product, and develop effective marketing campaigns. The company should also consider the local infrastructure, including transportation and communication networks, as well as the availability of financial systems. While a global strategy can be beneficial for a company, it is essential to remember that the market will constantly change. In order to stay relevant, a company must be open to feedback from different countries and adjust its marketing strategy accordingly. It is crucial that a company have staff with local experience, whether it be fluency in a specific language, experience living or working abroad, or a deep knowledge of the market trends and demographics. The benefits of globalization should be balanced against the need for a better global politics, which can provide equal opportunity to the poor and disenfranchised. Although more open trade has benefited the world’s rich, it has not worked so well for the poor. In fact, the globalization of financial markets has been a disaster for many developing countries, which were left vulnerable to the kind of panicked withdrawal of capital typical of bank runs. In order to make the global economy work for everyone, there must be a global governance system that mediates the good of the market with the principles and values necessary to ensure a fair world.
Read MorePolitics Expands Beyond Elections and Supreme Court Nominations
Politics is the way people agree about how to share resources and make decisions in groups of people, such as tribes, cities, or countries. People who spend much of their time making these agreements are called politicians, and the study of politics is referred to as political science. When a person thinks about the word “politics,” they might first think about the process of elections, or they might think about the manoeuvring of political parties to assert their own interests. But the truth is that politics is much more complex than that. Politics is about how to manage a group of people with different beliefs and preferences while allocating scarce resources. Politics is about how to do the right thing – even when that “right” thing may be difficult, or even impossible, in the short term. It is also about how to resolve conflicting demands in a democratic society. It is about how to balance competing values like liberty and equality, and it is about how to deal with unforeseen circumstances that arise in the course of the political process, such as natural disasters or war. It is about how to choose leaders who can effectively manage the public good, and it is about how to ensure that the political process itself is fair and transparent. In a modern democracy, citizens are expected to be fully engaged in the political life, and this engagement takes place in many different ways, beyond queuing at polling stations on Election Day. They are using social media to select, sanction, and pressure the leaders who wield power within government, and they are using their local communities to advocate for and against policy issues that are of personal interest to them. This participatory political environment makes it more challenging to define the scope of what is considered part of politics, but it has also created a space for political engagement that goes beyond traditional legislative votes and Supreme Court nominations. How does one understand this complex phenomenon, and what are the implications of this expansion? This textbook addresses these questions by introducing students to political theory, philosophy, and method. It provides succinct overviews of a wide range of perspectives and theoretical traditions, including liberalism, Marxism, feminist approaches to politics, and environmental politics. The book argues that a central theme in politics is the distribution of power, and that this is a consequence of the way in which political institutions are structured and the processes through which they operate. It suggests that the most successful individuals are those who know how to play the game, and that the key is in understanding what is at stake – whether it is individual rights, the environment, or international security. In doing so, the text introduces a new generation of students to the study and practice of politics. They will be able to see the world of politics for what it is: a complicated, multifaceted, and ever-changing activity.
Read MoreManfaat Slot Pulsa: Cara Cerdas Menggunakan Slot Pulsa Indosat dan Telkomsel Tanpa Potongan
Di era digital saat ini, menggunakan pulsa sebagai metode transaksi semakin populer, terutama di kalangan pengguna ponsel. Salah satu cara cerdas untuk memanfaatkan pulsa adalah melalui Slot Pulsa. Bagi pengguna Indosat dan Telkomsel, slot pulsa menjadi solusi praktis untuk melakukan deposit tanpa potongan yang menguntungkan. Dengan cara ini, Anda bisa memanfaatkan pulsa yang Anda miliki untuk berbagai keperluan, mulai dari membeli barang hingga membayar layanan online. Slot Pulsa Indosat dan Slot Pulsa Telkomsel menawarkan kemudahan dan keuntungan yang menarik. Slot Pulsa Indosat Anda tidak hanya bisa menikmati layanan tanpa potongan, tetapi juga dapat melakukan transaksi dengan cepat dan efisien. Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak mengenai cara menggunakan slot pulsa dengan bijak, serta mendapatkan informasi terbaru dan penawaran menarik, kunjungi situs Di sana, Anda akan menemukan berbagai informasi dan tips mengenai slot deposit pulsa yang dapat meningkatkan pengalaman transaksi Anda. Apa itu Slot Pulsa? Slot Pulsa merupakan sebuah layanan yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan transaksi menggunakan pulsa sebagai alat pembayaran. Layanan ini semakin populer di kalangan pengguna ponsel, terutama bagi mereka yang ingin bertransaksi secara praktis tanpa keluar rumah. Dengan Slot Pulsa, pengguna dapat membeli berbagai layanan digital seperti game online, kuota internet, dan masih banyak lagi menggunakan saldo pulsa yang tersedia. Indosat dan Telkomsel adalah dua penyedia layanan telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang menawarkan fitur Slot Pulsa kepada pelanggan mereka. Melalui Slot Pulsa Indosat dan Slot Pulsa Telkomsel, pengguna dapat menikmati kemudahan melakukan pembayaran dan mendapatkan akses ke berbagai produk digital dan hiburan. Dengan ini, pengguna tidak perlu repot-repot mencari cara pembayaran lain yang mungkin lebih rumit. Keunggulan dari Slot Pulsa adalah fleksibilitasnya. Pengguna dapat dengan mudah memanfaatkan pulsa yang dimiliki, terlebih jika mereka tidak memiliki rekening bank atau akses ke layanan pembayaran digital lainnya. Slot Deposit Pulsa Tanpa Potongan menjadi salah satu opsi yang sangat menarik, di mana pengguna dapat melakukan transaksi tanpa harus khawatir ada potongan biaya, sehingga lebih menguntungkan bagi mereka yang sering menggunakan pulsa untuk bertransaksi. Keuntungan Menggunakan Slot Pulsa Penggunaan slot pulsa menjadi pilihan yang semakin populer di kalangan pengguna ponsel. Salah satu keuntungan utama dari slot pulsa adalah kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam melakukan transaksi. Dengan slot pulsa, pengguna dapat mengisi ulang saldo atau melakukan pembayaran tanpa harus pergi ke konter fisik. Cukup dengan beberapa klik, pulsa bisa segera terisi, bahkan di tengah malam sekalipun. Hal ini memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna yang sibuk dan tidak memiliki banyak waktu. Selain itu, slot pulsa juga menawarkan tarif yang lebih transparan dan tanpa potongan. Pengguna slot pulsa Indosat dan Telkomsel dapat menikmati berbagai promo menarik yang memungkinkan mereka mendapatkan lebih banyak dengan uang yang sama. Ini menjadikan slot deposit pulsa tanpa potongan sebagai pilihan yang cerdas dan hemat, sehingga pengguna tidak perlu khawatir kehilangan sebagian dari pulsa yang mereka beli. Keuntungan lain dari menggunakan slot pulsa adalah pilihan metode pembayaran yang beragam. Pengguna dapat memilih untuk menggunakan metode yang paling sesuai bagi mereka, mulai dari transfer bank hingga pembayaran melalui dompet digital. Dengan begitu, pengguna tidak hanya mendapatkan kemudahan, tetapi juga fleksibilitas dalam bertransaksi. Hal ini menjadikan slot pulsa pilihan yang ideal bagi siapa saja yang ingin menikmati layanan telekomunikasi tanpa repot. Cara Mendaftar Slot Pulsa Indosat Mendaftar untuk Slot Pulsa Indosat sangat mudah dan dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa langkah sederhana. Pertama, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki nomor Indosat aktif. Jika belum, Anda bisa datang ke gerai Indosat terdekat untuk mendapatkan nomor baru. Setelah itu, pastikan Anda mengunduh aplikasi resmi dari Indosat atau mengunjungi situs web mereka untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang Slot Pulsa. Setelah aplikasi diinstal atau situs web diakses, cari pilihan untuk mendaftar layanan Slot Pulsa. Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan beberapa informasi pribadi, termasuk nomor ponsel dan data diri lainnya. Pastikan semua informasi yang Anda berikan akurat untuk menghindari masalah pada saat proses pendaftaran. Setelah mengisi formulir, ikuti instruksi yang diberikan untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran Anda. Setelah pendaftaran berhasil, Anda akan menerima konfirmasi melalui SMS atau email. Kini Anda sudah bisa menikmati keuntungan dari Slot Pulsa Indosat tanpa potongan. Jangan lupa untuk selalu memeriksa saldo pulsa dan mengikuti promosi menarik yang sering ditawarkan oleh Indosat untuk para penggunanya. Slot Pulsa Telkomsel: Panduan Lengkap Slot Pulsa Telkomsel menjadi pilihan menarik bagi pengguna yang ingin melakukan transaksi tanpa adanya potongan. Dengan menggunakan layanan ini, pengguna dapat melakukan deposit pulsa dengan cara yang mudah dan praktis. Prosesnya yang cepat memungkinkan Anda untuk segera menikmati layanan yang ditawarkan Tanpa harus menunggu lama. Untuk menggunakan Slot Pulsa Telkomsel, Anda hanya perlu mengunjungi situs resmi atau platform yang menyediakan layanan ini, seperti Di sana, Anda dapat memilih nominal pulsa yang ingin didepositkan. Pastikan juga untuk mengecek promo atau penawaran menarik yang sedang berlangsung agar mendapatkan nilai lebih dari transaksi Anda. Tidak hanya menguntungkan dari segi harga, Slot Pulsa Telkomsel juga memberikan kemudahan dalam hal aksesibilitas. Anda dapat melakukan transaksi kapan saja dan di mana saja tanpa harus khawatir akan potongan yang biasanya berlaku. Dengan demikian, pengalaman bertransaksi Anda menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan efisien. Slot Deposit Pulsa Tanpa Potongan Slot deposit pulsa tanpa potongan merupakan pilihan yang cerdas bagi para pengguna yang ingin melakukan transaksi tanpa harus khawatir kehilangan sebagian dari pulsa mereka. Melalui metode ini, setiap rupiah yang Anda setorkan akan sepenuhnya digunakan, sehingga memberikan nilai lebih dari setiap transaksi yang dilakukan. Ini sangat menguntungkan, terutama bagi mereka yang sering melakukan setor pulsa untuk berbagai keperluan. Indosat dan Telkomsel menyediakan slot deposit pulsa tanpa potongan, yang memudahkan pengguna untuk menikmati berbagai layanan tanpa harus membayar biaya tambahan. Dengan…
Read MoreDemocratisation and the Difficulties of Promoting Democracy From Outside
Democratisation is the structural transition from authoritarian government to a more democratic political regime, including substantive political changes moving in a more democratic direction. The process is a complex, messy and conflict-ridden one. As a result, it is difficult to identify the factors that lead to successful pro-democratic change. Nevertheless, two broad themes can be identified: the importance of societal changes that foster democratisation; and the difficulty in promoting democracy from outside. For example, it is widely believed that economic development is a critical condition for democratisation. This is because it produces a middle class with the interest and capacity to demand greater influence over governance issues. Over time, even the most repressive governments must bow to this pressure. A related argument is that democratisation can help promote civic nationalism, a form of patriotism that transcends ethnic/nationalist boundaries and encourages the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and races. This is a powerful argument, but it has been challenged by studies that find that economic development does not consistently lead to civic nationalism. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that democratisation is a process that takes time. It did not happen overnight in the industrialised countries of Western Europe and North America. In fact, it took centuries for these states to develop a fully democratic constitution and institutions. Likewise, the democratic transitions that occurred in Latin America and Africa in the 1990s were often chaotic and led to reversals in the health of their democracies. The failure of Western-initiated democratisation in Afghanistan and Iraq has also reaffirmed the widespread belief that a lack of internal capacity to promote democratisation is the most serious obstacle to its success. It is also a powerful reminder that democracy is not simply a set of formal rules and procedures; it is a deeply contested and conflict-ridden concept that must be built from the inside, rather than imposed from the outside. It is important to understand these difficulties when thinking about how to promote democracy abroad. In the advanced industrialized world, this translates into supporting policies that strengthen civil society in emerging democracies and developing support for what former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook called an ethical foreign policy. In the developing world, it means educating citizens about democratization and encouraging them to become involved in civil-society organizations that are working to build democracy itself. It is only through such efforts that the world will finally realize its dream of a global democracy. This will require an unprecedented level of cooperation among nations and between the advanced industrialized and developing countries. Otherwise, the global dream of democracy will remain a mirage. This is a danger that cannot be ignored. The future of our globalized planet may very well depend on it.
Read MoreAn Introduction to Cultural History
Culture refers to the customs, beliefs, arts, laws, abilities, and traditions that shape human societies and are passed down from one generation to the next. It is a complex concept that is often based on a specific region of the world or a distinct set of human traits. While some people may see culture as a single entity, it is more accurate to view it as the collection of all of the social norms, rules, and values that distinguish one society from another. It can also be viewed as the collective programming of the mind that influences what humans think, feel, want, and value. The emergence of the new field of cultural history has challenged and inspired historians across disciplines to rethink traditional categories of historical analysis and to recast their work with a more nuanced understanding of the role of culture in the past, present, and future. This volume explores both the diversity and common ground of this recasting of the discipline, with essays that range from 19th-century parades in America to 16th-century Spanish texts on virtuosity, from English medical writing on illness to Italian Renaissance frescos on fertility. Historians have long debated what defines a culture, with the most well-known definitions involving shared symbols, ideas, or behaviors that mark human groups as unique from nonhuman animals. Those ideas or symbols are usually rooted in particular regions of the world and can include language, tools, beliefs, art forms, rituals, or even the way humans look or speak. There are different approaches to the study of cultures, with some anthropologists believing that the concept is oversimplified and that there are many other factors, such as economic or sociopolitical shifts, that influence how one group of humans acts in relation to another. Other anthropologists take a more nuanced approach to the notion of culture, viewing it as a continuous process of reworking and remaking, rather than something that exists outside of human groups and societies. The concept of culture has also been influenced by the idea that there are distinct differences between regions of the world and between various populations within a nation. This has led to the idea of subcultures, which are the smaller communities that make up a larger culture. These subcultures can be based on race, ethnicity, age, or religion. The anthropological concept of culture is also evolving, with some scholars now focusing on how the process of cultural development can be understood by examining the processes that make up the evolution of a society, while others are using this framework to examine the relationship between the environment and human behavior. For example, environmentalists have used this concept to help them understand the relationship between climate change and human migration patterns. The concept of cultural evolution has also helped to inform the study of the relationship between indigenous groups and the settlers that arrived in their territory, as well as the development of indigenous languages and ways of life.
Read MoreThe Global Summit for Democracy
Democracy is the political system that enables citizens to make laws and policies for society, or elect representatives who do so on their behalf. It is the form of government most widely accepted today. Democracy has many virtues, but it is not without its challenges and pitfalls. It is important to recognize these pitfalls so that we can work toward the improvement of democracy, not its demise. A common argument for democracy is that it provides better outcomes than other forms of governance. This argument is normally made along two dimensions: instrumentally, by reference to the relative effectiveness of democracy compared with other methods of decision making; and intrinsically, by reference to the values that are associated with democracy. The instrumental argument for democracy usually focuses on the positive outcomes that can be achieved through democratic processes. This may include, for example, fewer wars and lower rates of poverty. It may also refer to the ability to solve problems more effectively by bringing together a diverse range of people to consider their options and to take into account different views, perspectives, and experiences. Other justifications for democracy focus on the intrinsic value of democracy as a moral good. These arguments often draw on a variety of philosophical traditions, including Aristotle’s “principle of proportionality” and contemporary social science. It is generally agreed that a democracy that does not require the free and fair participation of all its citizens is a less legitimate one. Whether it is the result of economic dissatisfaction, growing inequality or an anger over rapid social change, the world’s democracies have faced serious challenges in recent years. Anger at established political elites and rising social discontent have fueled the rise of anti-establishment leaders, parties and movements across regions. Organizations such as Freedom House, the Economist Intelligence Unit and V-Dem have documented a global decline in democracy. This is a moment to recommit to democracy and its promise of peace, prosperity and human rights for all. To do this, we must establish the Global Summit for Democracy to convene allies, define purpose, drive ambition and resources, and commit to strengthening democracy at home and supporting it globally. To ensure that the summit is not merely an empty rhetorical exercise, we should impose a serious price on participants: those who attend should be required to make substantial and meaningful commitments to invest in democracy at both domestic and global levels. The Summit should also serve as a forum for discussing, launching, and galvanizing new coalitions on specific challenges in areas such as technology, independent media, and election integrity. This would allow the summit to function as a catalyst for the creation of a truly democratic global order.
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